Friday 6 June 2014

Pregnancy at weeks 37

So yesterday my husband and I went for our check up at SALAM. We reached there 5 mins before 3pm but the doctor is away at the operation theater, performing a csect to one of her patient.

So at around 4 we finally meet her. It was my husband first time meeting her and my second time.

So far everything is okay but we did discussed in case if I still do not deliver until weeks 41. We concluded that there won't be any induction for me and we might go straight to csect. 

So let's hope that baby decided to come out by week 41.

Next week I will be meeting her again where she wants to perform a check on me, a check whether my pelvis bone is capable for birth. Haha I think it's somewhat ridiculous, as for people who knows me personally you would know that I am a big built and lebar. Tapi ikutkan sahaja lah kata dokte tu. Kena seluk la. 

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