Wednesday 20 August 2014

Confinement leave almost over

So my car insurance will lapsed middle next month hence no shopping for me for September 2014. huwa.. Dah la baru nak masuk kerja after confinement leave with the new baby and all, mesti lah excited nak beli baju utk p kerja and baby stuffs for Maysa akan tatapi hujung bulan tu ai dapat kutu yalls.. First time main kutu and purposely asked for giliran pada bulan September sebab insurans keta ni hahaha.

my weight has been stagnant since last 2 weeks oh what the heck I am not happy at all. But stagnant is better than increasing, no?

i have voluntarily offer to pay Maysa's babysitter monthly fee and with another  RM1.7k that we owed the company i work when delivering Maysa...that will be another RM550 commitment in my monthly expenses. Woaaa banyak tu..kesat air mata sat.. No more shopping sesuka hati for me now..tapi xpe..i believe rezeki anak tu ada.. Yang nampak atau yang tak nampak.. Ummi rela berkorban tak beli tudung madison sugarscarf lagi anak2ku.

My hospital bills of delivering Maysa through an elective csect is RM5.7k. Since the company I worked for is only covers RM4k  for csect, another RM1.7k will be deducted from my salary, installment basis for max a year. I am thinking to ask HR to deduct Rm200 per month, and by 9 months setel dah hutang beranakku. Huwa tudia beranak pun berhutang. Nasib baik no interest punya hutang. And when Maysa was admitted for jaundice for 4 days and 3 nights at Salam, the total bills was RM2k plus and the company covers the bills. Kalau harap duit sendiri memang masuk hosp kerajaan, especially when private a hosp in Shah Alam required an effing Rm5k as deposit kalau nak admit baby for jaundice with no insurance. Crazy world i tell ya.

There's a lot to tell and so little time, ni pun aku x mandi lagi and Maysa pun belum, sidai baju pun belum, nak masak lagi huha nasib baik amna kat babysitter's. Yes we still send her to bs though i am at home sebab kalau tak aku asyik nak menaga dan jadi tarzan. Will start working next Tuesday but thinking of getting extra leave just for fun, just for the sake of staying home extra days haha.

Okaylah, till then xoxo.

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