Wednesday 24 September 2014



It's such a beautiful morning, with a smell of coffee my colleague made for herself, despite the fact that I am pissed off with my darling husband just now. Haha. I was pissed off, but I just keep it to myself, as I found that venting out my anger to him will make things worst. And by the time I reached the office I already forgot the fact that I am pissed of with him.

3 years married, and this is how we roll it. We learned how not to fight by not voicing up our issue each and every single time. Kadang-kadang je kalau bengang sangat baru voice out. But yes, of course we do fight sometimes :).

Maysa. Amna. There's a lot I want to tell about them, but I don't know where to begin. 

As for Maysa's vaccination, she has been injected with BCG and Vit K after birth, and I decided not to take any other vaccination. Thinking of getting homeopathy so called immunization but the doctor I wanted to see is not available until November.

I have stop vaccination for Amna since she was 6 months old.

When I read on comments on Facebook on vaccination, I realized 1 thing. This whole vaccination issue does not differ much from politics = Pihak A memang sukar mau menerima hujah Pihak B. They will just blindly follow!

Tak tau nak tulis apa lagi. Ok lah, take care!

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