Thursday 25 September 2014

Of Instagram

Are you on Instagram? I am. And I can't stop checking on my Instagram feed. I am addicted like that. And I regularly posted photo on my Instagram. 

Recently I decided to delete my Instagram account and created a new one. Why? I got so many followers (up until 500 plus followers) that most of them I don't know in my real life. Mostly were Instagram shop. And you can't stop people from following you once they are your follower. The only way is to BLOCK them. It's such a hassle to block followers one by one and that is why I took the plunge to delete my 1st Instagram. Sayang jugak, sebab banyak dah gambar.

But I can't risk strangers looking at photos of my kids. Not that they are too special (But hey they are too special for me). But I think I'd better be safe than sorry. Kot ada pedophile. -_-"

So with my new Instagram, I am more careful in approving new follower request.

So with my new Instagram, I am more careful in following any Instagram shop. Since Instagram has been triggering the shopaholic in me as of lately.


But seriously, look at those Instagram shops which sell variety of product. You can find anything under the sun. Dang.

I am eyeing for pastel colored telekung & a silver necklace for Amna. Both are from the Instagram shop I followed.

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