Monday 6 October 2014

100 days

Today marks Maysa's 100 days of live. Which means my 100 days confinement is over. But haha of course my 100 days pantang mmg la x pantang sgt. Iced water minum jugak once in awhile bila x thn sgt. 

And today i am feeling rather heavy again down there. I guess it must be from the heavy lifting i did yesterday.  X ada lah heavy mana but I guess since i have just had csection 100 days ago things are not fully healed inside.  I must remember to ask for help 😣 for heavy works. 

My body is not perfectly healed as i can feel mmmmm how do i describe the feeling i feel eh. Rasa mcm badan x fit sgt. Mungkin sbb aku x amek akar herbanika dah few days and phytonatal pun dah few weeks aku tinggal. 

You guys please dont underestimate your lady who gave birth it is not an easy thing to do. And especially during their confinement where hormones are still haywired and emotions are overwhelming, please tale extra care of your spouse..  Jaga hati dan emosi mereka.. Meroyan or hampir meroyan is no joke. I myself experienced the emotional roller coaster during both of my confinement. Both are from very different reasons and circumstances. Masa Amna i ada juga terhempas Amna sedikit ke atas tilam masa middle of the night and her sleeping clock was still off.  I was dead tired from the breastfeeding and what with the nipple crack, dan suami jauh and u have to take care the baby on your own.. Dah la tu x nak tido.. Tapi the first one was okay la compared to my second one..  Second one i cried in the shower huwa sgt sedih dan penuh emosi. My 2nd confinement was more challenging as i was confined in the house with 1. my husband who knew almost nothing about taking care of woman is confinement, and 2, my MIL let me say that there is many things that i was quite shy of asking her to help.  But she s been a great help. 

But luckily my nipple doesnt crack this time. I happily breastfeed Maysa Alhandulillah.. 

Amna demam hari ni..  Amna dah lama x demam masyaAllah..tapi bila kali ni demam terus flat habis memang mengusik hati mak2 ku.. Tido je all day long. Bibir pun kemain merah sbb panas dlm..  Badan n kepala panas while kaki sejuk.. 

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Unknown said...

qey, kenapa csect? nina pun dah nak 6 bulan postpartum pun masih ngilu2 n pedih2 kat wound ni. nak kena tunggu setahun baru pulih eh.. makan ape eh nak bg cepat heal?

qi said...

csection sbb baby still high and no dilation at all at 40 weeks dan air ketuban dah borderline..

tak payah makan apa2 nina.. just makan healty diet. read somehwere mommies yg makan gamat dan pati ikan haruan luka csect tu mekelat-lekat dengan organ dalaman.. ada urutan boleh dibuat utk prevent this things from happening and to prevent uterine rupture..nina try cari dalam group ICAN / VBAC Malaysia tu..

Qi masa Amna dulu xde pulak rasa ngilu2 after 6 months post partum

Unknown said...

nina penah baca yg gamat/pati haruan lagi buat luka tu tak cantik. penah baca jgk diorang consume byk vit c bg wound cepat heal. betul ke?
nina skrg tgh puasa seafood setahun sbb takut gatal kat scar tu.

qey conceive maysa bila amna brape tahun? sbb skrg nina tak guna contraception yg hormon2 ni, risau effect milk production.

qi said...

ada satu pills selamat for breastfeeding kan.. cant recall the name.

conceived maysa masa amna 1y3m.. so ngam2 2y1m maysa delivered.. kitorg pun guna kaedah supernatural gak.. hahaha

vit C tu x sure pulak