Tuesday 14 October 2014

Today is Tuesday

It's already Tuesday, and tomorrow is my husband's birthday. Bought him a wallet from Zalora to replace his old wallet that was too, bought by me. Dah selamat dipakai since, um, 2 weeks ago.

So what is the plan for tomorrow? I really have no idea. And in fact, my husband does not really pay any attention to my birthday. So why should I? Bahaha ni kes grudge ni.

Thinking of taking him somewhere nice for dinner. But nothing too fancy or fine dining tu tak la. Tengok la esok cemana.

On the other hand, we had our Committee Meeting this morning and I came out of the meeting room with headache! There's lotsa thing that need to be done and presented at the next Committee Meeting in DECEMBER!! Haish. May the force be with me.

Maysa has successfully rolled herself. Once we found her stucked at the bar of her baby crib. Once we found her rolled over to her back dan tetiba dari tilam dah terlentang atas lantai. It's now time to keep her mattress and bentang toto instead. Gotta be more careful.

And is she the cutest baby, ever! <--mak mak sgt ni

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