Wednesday 18 February 2015


Harapan aku terhadap anak-anak. Yang umum tu sama je kot macam orang lain. Nak anak-anak aku soleh solehah, mendengar kata, jadi insan berguna pada agama dan negara.

Tapi (sort of) specifically.. I want them to

  • have a bright personality
  • fluent in English
  • have courage to do public speaking (unlike their mommy haha)
  • I don't have problem if they are not very bright in school. Towards these years I learned that your SPM result is not everything in this world. It may gets you to a university, but without the right attitude and personality it wouldn't bring you anywhere..
Which resulted me to think of enrolling Amna to an excellent pre school in her toddler year. I want her to have a good early education. Semoga Allah memudahkan urusan ku..

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