Tuesday 14 April 2015


Normally when I was driving or doing something, lotsa thing came running my mind and I made a mental note that I should write a post about it.

But in the end, I wrote none. Haha.

Being a mother of two, to a toddler and a crawling infant prove to be too stressful to me at one point. Especially when it's sleep time. Imagine your toddler crying for your attention when you are lying down breastfeeding your infant.

Thus, the decision no to conceive other baby for the next 3 years seems very wise. Sekarang kesian tgk Amna selalu kena marah sebab I was struggling to jaga both Amna & Maysa.

So, I want to focus in raising up both of them first. Nanti diorang dah besar baru lah I am ready to have another child.

Maysa, she's a very easy child. But people said anak kedua ni tunggu depa dapat kaki je, akan start melasak.

Amna, dah bijak sgt. When you realised your grown up toddler is once the newborn baby that used to be so tiny, rasa macam tak percaya.

Today, I will be on a half day leave. Petang ni nak p tengok Fast & Furious with beben.

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