Tuesday 5 May 2015


Here I am typing away in this laptop at this very office after a series of 3 days of MC, continued by 1 Public Holiday + 2 days weekend + 1 Public Holiday.

Last week, since my husband school is taking cuti peristiwa on Tuesday (Monday was a Public holiday too), I decided to take a half day leave and watched movie with husband. It was our 4th movie after we have Maysa. 

We watched the Avengers: Age of Ultron. I was slightly disappoint with the movie. I think that The Fast and Furious 7, though in a different category of movie, is better than The Avengers. My tired husband almost drifted off in the movie, if it wasn't me who poked him and jokingly said, "oi ko tido ye".

Anyway back to the story that I was on MC for 3 days; upon leaving the movie theatre my husband pointed out that I have 2 big eye discharge. And it started to get very itchy and all teary. So I went to clinic and got 2 days MC.  On the 2nd day of MC suddenly my selesema and cough worsened, that night I cant barely sleep. So the next day after sending out my kids to their school, I went to get another MC, and I baring all day long.

Anyway up until now I still had my cough and my selesema baru je stop Ahad semalam. I don't know why our family health is so teruk these day. Its been ages since I last had cough this bad, where even the blow from air cond or fan could torture my throat which resulting me to cough real bad. I suspected because I just finished a course of antibiotic less than 2 weeks prior to that, which somehow impaired the gut flora system in my stomach. Antibiotic is not good, that is why i rarely took one, but last 2 weeks I got selesema (see how frequent I got selesema these days?) sampai my ears got infected. I was in pain, the pain menjalar ke kepala and mulut. I got headache, ear pain, sakit gigi at the very same time! Can you imagine how uncomfortable would that be? Campur dengan telinga pekak sebelah, so I couldn't tahan I gobbled down the antibiotic prescribed.

But I took the Lacto 5 (it's a probiotic) I bought for Maysa and Amna actually. I guess when you killed all the good bacteria in your stomach it take you time to bring 'em all back, yes?

I took VCO, I took vit C, olivenol but still..

And Amna and Maysa still cough sikit-sikit, Amna still got temperature at night.

So if you ask me whether I feel recharged after such a long break from work, the answer is no. Hehheh *gelak kambing biri-biri.

I typed this post while listening to songs from 1990s playlist on Spotify. I am old soul :')

My boss is on leave. And I am sleepy.

And hungry. What for lunch, eh?

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