Thursday 14 May 2015

Little test

Early May hari tu I wrote that I took MC for 3 consecutive days for conjunctivitis and fever.

This week, it's not even past May 15, I took MC for another 4 consecutive days for conjunctivitis and fever again.

I just dont know what to say..

My kids.. just dont let me elaborate.. they are still had fever and cough on and off..

Today I broke down in front of my husband at the kedai mamak. We just brought Maysa to a clinic for neb since her rhythm of the breathe was rather fast and afterwards we had lunch at the nearby mamak before I go to the office on my MC day. I cried just because I am tired since I am not well too and why in the world after more than 2 months thing doesn't get better. Last night I slept less than 2 hours and its not uninterrupted since Maysa wass not well too and merengek to munch on my breast (haha) every now and then. I cant sleep sebab hidung tersumbat so I have to breathe using my mouth now tell me how am I gonna sleep like that?

Kalau ini ujian Allah nak turunkan utk uji kami aku tau ia ujian yg saaaangat kecil dibanding kan dengan orang lain with kids with critical ilnesses.

My friend were saying that the first 2 months when you started send you baby to a daycare full of potentially virused baby and toddle, you kids will be getting sick a lot.

First month prior going to the school my kids have already gotten sick on and off.

And now do I have to wait for another month before their immunisation level is "UP TO DATE"??

I tak sanggup...

X cukup ke all the supplement I gave my kids....

I would definately cried again...

Just rambling...

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