Wednesday 3 June 2015

Amna's third birthday and Maysa is back of being herself

Hi there.

Maysa was admitted (again) last week, and after just a shot of antibiotic I didn't even bother to know the name she managed to smile.. and soon after laughed.

And now she's back being herself.

The paed said the reason Maysa has been sicked all this while is because she is allergic to habuk. So the main suspect is her nursery.

Considering to change her nursery but I want to see how this week goes first.

I loved her so very much! She's a baby, and how can you not love anything about babies? They are innocent and cute. And Maysa is type of baby who is fuss free and is so easy to be taken care of. Sigh. Love love lover her to bits!

While my toddler Amna on the other hand is a different case. But she's a toddler, who will occasionally if not frequently throw tantrum. And she has turned 3 years old already!! Can you imagine, my once too fragile baby is now 3?? Sigh.

Bought KFC and couple slices of cake from Cottoncraft yesterday for mini celebration of her birthday. The cakes is a disappointment but it's the memory that counts right!

So dah 3 tahun aku jadi mak. Aku jauhh dari ibu yang sempurna, but I'd do my best to provide the best for my kids.

Dah jadi mak dua anak ni makin mendalam kesedaran kepada diri aku akan pengorbanan yang mak aku buat kepada aku dan siblings... Memang tabik spring kepada emak-emak seluruh dunia toink toink.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday amna. Semoga jadi anak yg solehah.

Glad maysa has recovered. =)