Wednesday 24 June 2015

How I met him #1

My husband and I were schoolmates back in primary school in Banting. His mother is a teacher, standard 1 teacher if I remember correctly. But I never been taught by her.

My husband and I were never in the same class, whether Sekolah Kebangsaan or Sekolah Agama. I never paid attention much to him, I mean sekolah rendah kot, I never really pay any attention to any male friend. I don't even have male close friend.

I think I never talked to him during school life. But basically I knew he exists la. Haha. 

During secondary school, he briefly attended the same school as me. But after a month he changed to other school to stay in the hostel.

After finishing school, I jadi Sales Assistant kejap kat satu kedai jual cassette / CD while he worked in KFC. Dua-dua shop ni beza dalam 10 shops je. So ada la few times dia datang kedai aku kerja tu. When I asked him now, my husband kata most of the time I tak attended him pun, my other colleague yang attend. Hihi.

I went to a matriculation college while my husband attended form 6. Masa tu I ada keep in touch with few guy friends through SMS including this friend, H. Pastu on a one fine day, I received an SMS from a guy claimed to be a stranger. Dia bagi nama palsu. Aku namakan L la sebab nama tu sampai sekarang aku tak boleh ingat apa. We SMSes on a friend zone basis la.. Macam kawan biasa, tak rapat pun.

Until one day my guy friend H kata to me, "Woi ko tau tak L tu sebenarnya Luqman (my husband)". Masa tu kira my husband kantoi dengan kawan-kawan form 6 nya dan kena gelak..

Lepas tau tu we keep in touch macam biasa la.. Jarang-jarang pun contact..

to be continued...

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