Friday 5 June 2015

Maysa lagi

Yesterday when I fetch my kids from their school, the teacher reported that Amna tidur siang. (I insisted to the teacher that Amna kena tidur siang if not she will be cranky when we fetch her). While Maysa, batuk.

Went for follow up check up with Maysa's paed at DEMC, she was all bubbly. Played slide many times, she seems to enjoy it very much. Even the paed said her lungs are clear, that the cough she is having is only dry cough.

And she slept quite early last night, around 8pm.

And woke up at 11pm, and had trouble falling asleep afterwards.

I think we both only sleep around 3 hours last night. Poor Maysa, kita yg besa ni kalau tak cukup tidur pun weng semacam.. apatah lagi baby kan. She had a bad cough and when she couldn't sleep, she cried and wailed out of frustation. Even my boobs could not calm her down.

I woke up at 6.30 am because Maysa was awake due to her cough. Pastu da nangis-nangis jerit-jerit tak tau pasaipa. Lepas tu aku blur nak wat apa pagi ni. Nak EL and take care of Maysa ke, nak EL and go to her paed again ke, or nak hantar je pergi taska. I only decided to send her to taska when my husband suggested me to do so. So I apologized first kat teacher, since 1st day at the new place dah hantar baby yang tak cukup tidur dan unwell. I foresee her be really fussy and cranky today, because last night Maysa was the fussiest sepanjang 11 bulan umurnya.

Harap-harap she will be alright at the new place, and kena juga made some adjustment with her diet and all. Our house as well, kena free from habuk............

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