Thursday 5 November 2015

Pre school for A

I am currently in search of pre school for A.. 

Siap la bukak blog baru sebab blog ni x boleh dijumpai oleh search engine. So blog pasal school tu kalau org cari info tentang school tu di Google mulih la jumpe..

So dah ada 2 pre school in mind... dan rasanya macam dah hampir decide on which school to send A..

Hopefully she will be okay with that school. Will be sending her starting December so that she can settle down with the new environment..

The reason why I decided on this school is because its Montessori Playschool for 4 years old.

Biarlah A main puas-puas.. she is a kid.. lumrah nya memang untuk bermain kan.

Hope my new blog will benefits others yang mencari as well..

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