Friday 16 May 2014


Another thing that I am thinking of buying (but not compulsory) is this foam bath support, from Mothercare.

I have heard great review from mommies using it. It was said to be better than those plasticky bath support as new born kan still lembik and all so plastic bath support would only makes babies tergelincir ke bawah secara perlahan-lahan. 

As for the ring sling dah ada orang nak melanje yeyye hehe hi Xeera! Tapi x decide lagi tunggu dalam confinement lah agaknya.

And as for the breastpump dulu I kata nak Ameda but now I think I nak beli between Spectra M1 or Lacte double pump. Both is soo cheap around RM400 only and small and portable. Spectra M1 ada rechargeable battery whilst Lacte boleh guna power bank. Nowww, how cool is that?

My ex schoolmate who have succeeded her VBAC journey (she actually gave birth at home in a portable pool I am so impressed!) shared to me of one of the theories they made in the VBAC group.
That when it's a full moon mesti ada yang terberanak. So they are making this unproven theories that when it's full moon, air pasang, mothers tend to start labour masa full moon as the gravity pull from the full moon somehow stimulates the amniotic fluids. Wahaha, and let me share with you the full moon date in y2014.

Since my due date in 26 June 2014, the nearest full moon would be on the 13 June (when I will be 38 weeks) and 12 July (overdue dah ni). So the most possible date would be around 13 June hahaha.
Masa Amna dulu her EDD is 1 June and she was born on 2 June through a csect, 2 days shy from the full moon date of 4 June.

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