Tuesday 27 May 2014


So my pregnancy will turn 36 weeks soon, that means another 4 weeks left. I mean 4 weeks!?? How come time flies so fast?? Not sure whether I will be able to deliver vaginally.. I sure hope so. Tapi hari tu tengok video wanita jepun melahirkan baby secara normal gua dah rasa serem sejuk. Mehehe.

On a lighter note my little girl Amna will be turning 2 years old soon! In less than a week. So I have applied for a leave on her birthday, and plan to take her to Aquaria KLCC to see fish!!

She loves fish! When I played the Finding Nemo on TV for her, she would asked me non stop, mak ape tu mak, mak ape tu mak to every fish type / sea creatures she sees!! It sure bugged me but that's what parents to any toddler gonna have to face every day, A HELL OT OF QUESTION!

Thinking of downloading other movie for her soon, asyik-asyik tengok Frozen and Finding Nemo.

I found that letting her to watch movie on TV is much more convenience for me compare to let her play with the iPad. Kalau iPad sikit2 she will asked me to open other app. Letih nak melayan.

Eh tengah-tengah menaip ni tiba-tiba mengantuk pulaks.. hergh

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