Thursday 26 June 2014


I decided to take things slow, and take MC starting from today. It's the EDD by the way. Yet here I am, lying on my bed feeling nothing. I did feel some very light contraction at times, but it was really light and mild my period pain is more intense than these.

The last two days have been super hectic at the office. My boss is away on exam leave for a week leaving us with reports to be sent to other department and all the GMs adalah super banyak songeh. Last minute amendment, last minute disagreement, want to change this and that, ask us to include this risks to other department, the other department refuse to accept the new included risks, the GM don't want to table the paper at their board level hence boss ask Me to present.  I mean Me, boss, come on can't you see I am introvert and I can't do public speaking? I would rather rot and died than talking infront of all the board members.

So yes I had enough and decided that it has to stop. I am not gonna show my face at the office being overdue pregnant.

Will be seeing doctor later today, hopefully everything is well.

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