Wednesday 23 July 2014

Anak dua

Beranak dua, is not as easy I tell you. With my eldest is only 2y 1m, where she is still long for my attention and affection.  Especially since she's once a breastfed baby for more than a year.. (people said breastfed baby has this special connection with the mother). It's so obvious that she prefers me over her dad. Apa2 pun Ummi. Mak. Not that I don't appreciate that.. But with Maysa requires my attention most of the time, it can be so tiring. Which is why we still send Amna to her babysitter most of the days even I am home all the time. But when she is already awake when it's time to go to her babysitter, she will screamed and cried like nobody business,  saying NAK UMMIIIIII! If she still asleep when is time for her to go, I will need to hide from her. She can't see me. If she sees me, she will screamed and cried and wailed! That's how much she loves me hehe. Ayah dia pun give up bila dia nangis camtu.

Lepas tu kalau kat rumah suka meleset kat mak dia ni. Not that I don't like tapi kadang tu panas so rimas haha .

Tapi Amna is so nice she has been very good with her little sister. Selalu nak kiss,  never show any sign of jealousy. Tadi Maysa merengek when I was in the kitchen,  Amna went to see me and asked, mana botol susu adik? She can relates that when Maysa cries means she is hungry and need to be fed.  Though that wasn't always the case. Tapi ishhh, baik sgt Amna tu.. Muah muah la..  Hahaha

And at night now my husband is the one appointed to tidurkan Amna.  And I will need to stay away from our bedroom during the 'process'  as my husband said dia akan mengada2 x nak tidur when I am in the room. So mengantuk cane pun I have to stay in the living room tunggu Cik akak tu tido then only I masuk tido. All this while masa I pregnant pun I was the one yg tidurkan Amna and I tell u memang stress sbb susah sgt dia nak tido. Kalau we know it earlier memang sah2 Ayah dia yang kena tidurkan dia dari dulu.

All in all, I am so thankful.. Rezeki Allah bagi kejap je anak dah 2 rasanya. And this raya will be the first raya without Ayah.. How I miss him..

And kudos to all mothers who can manage to handle all their kids. Tak kisah la anak satu ke lapan ke.. Tapi lagi ramai lagi pengsan so lagi respek.. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha tak leh imagine lagi kalau bella ada adik skrg sbb dia tu over manjaaa!! haha