Tuesday 16 December 2014


Working life has not been so good.
As my boss who was actually in the 'acting as' position and managed 2 department has now decided to permanently headed my department, and let go of his original position.

That was unexpected! Since the reason I am still holding on in this company is because I am hoping that once the real boss come in things will get better. But yeah, one can only hope.

Working life aside, let's talk about family!

Last week we took Amna (and Maysa) to cinema to watch Penguin of Madagascar! Amna was enjoying every bit of the movie, while Maysa slept and woke up twice during the movie. 

When Amna was small we were reluctant to bring her to watch movie, we don't want to be selfish parent like that. But when the very reason of bringing our children to movie is to entertain one of your children, i feel less guilty of bringing small Maysa.

I think with child no 2 I have become more relaxed and let loose a bit. No more too strict diet, rules and such. I even let Maysa have a taste of cheese & chocolate topping from Pisang Goreng Cheese last week. Haha. Maysa will starts solid soon, in 10 days to be exact. The only preparation I have made is buying this so call dispensing spoon that looked like this:

Masa Amna dulu benda ni belum popular lagi, or aku yang x perasan.

I have decided to give Maysa avocado as her first solid! Amna's first solid dulu is pear puree, nak bagi avocado x confident sebab terbeli yang belum ripe.

Do you know that I have hide my blog from google search? Coz I am paranoid liddat~ takut ada orang Google "Amna Maysa" dan terjumpa blog ni. Orang tu is no one in specific. Hehe.

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