Sunday 7 December 2014

Amna's goat milk

If there's only 1 thing that i could redo it is gotta be not to supply goat milk to my little girl Amna.

She is a very picky eater and rarely eat. So she would request for her nenen many times a day.

And you should know that pertambahan susu adalah berkadar langsung dengan pertambahan air perkumuhan which means more diapers!

As you can see Amna's susu kambing is around RM330 per month.

And once a toddler is on a supplementary milk i doubted it's gonna be easy to weaned her off from the milk.

A 1 year old toddler should rely more on real food than milk once they turned 1 yo.  Apatah lagi kalau dah 2y 6m mcm Amna.  Hehe.

So yes, i can say that i have regretted my decision to supply goat milk when she was around 1y 6m. But at that time i was desperate to wean off Amna from the breast since I have already carrying Maysa in womb. And my breast milk has drop significantly resulting from the pregnancy, which makes Amna kebergayutan on my breast gotten worse.
So now susahnya suruh amna makan. Coz she knows she has the 'nenen'  @ goat milk.  It's frustrated us when we have just finished our meal (which Amna makan cuma 1 or 2 suap) she immediately requested for her nenen.  Frustated sgt hergh. 

Anyway,  let's hope that I will managed to wean her off from the milk and bottle altogether just before she reached 3 years old.

By the way,  amna has developed a habit of biting her bottle nipples sampai koyak2 nipple tu.  Baru tukar sebulan dah koyak.  :P

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