Thursday 9 July 2015

How I met him #3

sambungan how i met him #2

Lepas habis study, I worked as a Management Trainee in Jusco. But I worked at the back office, not as front liner. So I think ada sekali (or was it more than once?) he came to Jusco with his family and asked to meet up. Masa tu I was bogged down with my workload, kelam kabut siapkan sesuatu, and by the time I finished doing my job, I SMSed him, dia kata tak payahlah since dia dah nak balik. Kalau recalled balik moment ni my husband said aku sombong. But I was really busy la masa tu...

Masa I kat Jusco ni memang nampak laa dia ada tanda-tanda nak 'court' aku.. Selalu call, selalu SMS. Aku punya perangai pulak kalau lelaki call and I wasn't in the mood to talk, I won't pick up the phone. So banyak laa SMS-SMS my husband yang terbiar tak berbalas. Dan banyak juga call dia yang aku sengaja MISSED.

Lepas Jusco aku tukar kerja ke CIMB, masa ni perkara yang sama berterusan. Dia akan call every now and then. Tak la kerap, tapi ada. Always ada. Tapi aku still buat perangai sama, 10 calls from him, 1 je yang aku angkat hehehe. 10 SMS dia, 1 je yang aku reply.

But came to think about it now, kan ke BOYS ni suka kejar sesuatu yang dia susah dapat. I mean they might be enjoying the thrill of CHASING!

Ada one time tu tetiba je he called bagitau dia tgh tgk bola kat mamak sorang-sorang. Sounds like a sad call, tapi aku tak tau motip call nak bagitau dia kat mamak. Macam reporting to a girlfriend pulaks.

So on a one fine day, masa tu I was mad at a close guy friend, geram sebab I gave him many hints and yet he macam tak jugak make a first move, and my husband suddenly ajak aku tengok bola kat Stadium Bukit Jalil. So masa tu aku fikir, "Why not give this guy a chance!"

We went to stadium, watched football, I cant remember which match but my husband would definitely remember, and then makan kat Wangsa Maju. Masa tu I remember that I don't feel awkward at all with him being around. I don't feel segan macam nak kena control. I can just be myself. Rasa selesa gittew. *tekup muka. So that outing to the stadium tu kira macam our first date.

I remembered that he insisted that I keep his pasport photo during supper/dinner kat Wangsa Maju tu. I politely refused, twice, but if you know my husband, he can be very persistent. So aku pun simpan je la gambar dia, tak nak lukakan hati dia hahaha.

And the rest as they said, is history.


1 comment:

s a L o m a said...

awhhh.. so comel.. :))))