Thursday 9 July 2015

Glowing skin

Last Friday I went to Parkson Subang Parade, determined to get myself a good foundation from Dior. I did ask my SIL who loves to make up prior to the visit, and she highly recommend Dior foundation.

So my plan was, splurge on a good foundation so that my skin will glow, and save on the other make up like blusher and such.

So I announced to the Dior beautician (betui ka diorg ni beautician? hehe) that I want something with dewy effect, that'll make me glow!! But I forgot the fact that I rarely put any moisturiser let alone toner, serum etc, and that it shows!

So kena bebel (kind bebel btw) by her that I should not just masked my skin. Instead, she advised that I should take a really good care of my skin, and pointed that I have few wrinkles (what!!) already, and have a very bad eye bag and dark circle. That, I couldn't denied heheh.

So I end up buying some booster she recommended with lotsa trial stuffs and a Dior Star foundation. 

And few days after that, I bought Sephora Cleansing Oil (just because the Dior's staff said my cleansing wipes is not enought to remove make up -_-")
And a face scrub from Simple (because she said my skin are rough -_-" hahaha)

Harap-harap istiqamah hendaknya menjaga muka supaya even tak pakai foundation pun I still glow. 

1 comment:

Just Me. The Mrs said...

I had a similar experience!! Went out to buy a cleanser, and I was advised (kind bebel) to take care of my skin because I was honest and told her I ni jenis tak jaga! Kadang2 pakai cleanser, kadang2 soap bar pun jadi! Haha