Tuesday 15 September 2015

It has been awhile

Since I post anything.

Just recently migrated to iPhone and loving it. It has the premium feeling to it.

And well. Been admitted to hospital foe dengue, both my husband and I. It was a week after raya.

I am currently feeling bloated and want to puke, but no I am not carrying any child, ha! Tengahari tadi I had Lai Chee Kang with my nasi, lepas tu singgah gerai beli keropok lekor makan dalam kereta with my husband. And we realize we don't have any beverages, we stopped by at a cendol stall and have one cendol each. At the same time my colleague was having lunch at Tesco and i kirim popia and Chatime's Grass Jelly Roasted Milk tea. And masa ambil I from work, my husband stopped by at the ever popular air bekas besar in Shah Alam n bought Strawberry milk..

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