Thursday 29 October 2015


Pernah tak kau rasa insecure? Yang apa yang kau post di Facebook dan Instagram diperhati kan. Mereka tidak like, mereka tidak komen, yet kau tahu sangat mereka ikut setiap perkembangan kau.

Aku tengah rasa itu. That resulted me to go back to my trustful blog. Not many people knows my blog. So here I am, you'll see me here frequently from now on, at least until THIS feeling went away.

I am supposed to be reviewing my department's framework against the ISO thingy now. Yet, here I am.

I missed M. Can't wait to pick her up after work.

And A, being a toddler that she is, agak mencabar kesabarun aku setiap hari. Balik --> Nangis. Minta sesuatu, tidak dapat --> Nangis. Minta sesuatu, lambat dapat --> Nangis. Makan cereal, adik A minta --> Nangis. Rasa nak cubit-cubit saja. Aku ingat phase terrible two, threenager nya sudah lepas. Rupanya belum. Kerjaya ibu menuntut kesabaron yang amat tinggi.

Next year A will be turning 4! How times fly ehh!!!

And little M will be turning 2! 

And every June there will be a triple celebration, being A's birthday on the 2nd, little M's birthday on the 27th, and mine on 30th.

My husband's birthday was on 15 Oct, so I bought him Sony Xperia phone, 2 months ago. I was actually getting myself an iPhone, when I actually don't need one, since my LG phone is pretty much in a good condition. My husband's Samsung S3, on the other hand, was in a badddd condition, always hangs and lag. So in order to avoid feeling guilty, I bought him that Sony haha. And on his birthday, I treated him to... em.. Hello Kitty Gourmet Cafe?? Hahaha... Poor chaps.. That Hello Kitty treats is more to entertaining my daughters than celebrating his birthday.

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