Saturday 15 March 2014

Amna punye susu

Sekarang ni bolehlah kalau nak kata aku dah berjaya wean off Amna. The process is relatively easy for us Alhamdulillah. Tak ada sebarang tragedi emosi yang terjadi.

Well it all started when Amna tiba2 willing to drink susu kambing from her bottle macam yang aku cerita kat post yang lepas. Started from that day whenever she asked for susu (boobies milk) i always offer her nenen (susu kambing in her bottle) instead. Dan Amna tak pernah sekali pun refuse to accept nenen. I pun sangat senang hati sebab ia mcm telah mengangkat satu beban dari bahu ku. Sebab sebelum tu aku adalah stress bila Amna sikit2 nak susu. Dan kalau nak tido tu i have to nurse her to sleep which was a very long process, as it took me an hour to nurse her.

And now, as long as i have her kambing susu supply in hand, she will take the susu happily. Kecuali kalo keluar kejap2 aku x bawa nenen dia nak susu maka breastfeeding lah kami. Tapi mmg xde susu dah pun.
Sangat bersyukurlah sebenarnya sebab Allah permudahkan jalan utk stop  breasfeeding journey buat kami. No crying, no wailing.

Sekarang tgh buat mental preparation utk breastfeed adik amna pulak. Hoihh. Breastfeed ni penat tau x.. semoga smgt aku kuat utk menyusukan adik sekuat semangat masa nak susu kan Amna. Nipple pain, bottle strike, nursing strike, bring it on!!


Unknown said...

amna suka glass bottle dgn sleeve yg menarik..

cite psl BF ni, nak kena massage2 boobs ke for BF preparation? ada org dah keluar colostrum dah hjg2 pregnancy ni..

qi said...

Hehe amna start bottle dgn bottle bpa free dia yg lama...

Hmm qey pny pengalaman x payah massage pun keluar juge.. insyaAllah.. aah qey ritu tengah baring pastu rasa mcm rinduu kat amna dalam perut pastu nak mandi tgk keluar kolostrum.. konsep kolostrum kua sama mcm susu kua rasanya.. u need endorfin :)

yatt said...

good gurl ammna ni dok pikir ni mcm mana nak wean off cik mek bella tu bila 2 thn.. surely jadi gak drama airmata, maknya ni mmg ratu airmata hahaha

qi said...

hehe faham sgt concern it.. xpe la.. slagi xde strong reason nak wean off ctnue je bfeed hehe