Friday 16 May 2014

Alternative for baby talc

Decided that I should get an alternative for baby talc. Even though I am ok for not applying any powder talc to my baby (Amna) and future baby (adik Amna) I know that some people just couldn't be contented kalau tak nampak wajah baby bercapuk bedak dengan penuh kecomelan.

And yikes, better alternative is always come with higher price yes?

My 2 alternatives are these two things. They came in liquid form so less risk of inhaling the talc dust for them babies.

Philips Avent Silky Liquid

I would probably settled for Mothercare as it is easier to be found (at Mothercare duhh!) and it's a lot cheaper than Avent.

As for the rest of baby stuff, rasanya yang penting macam dah cukup je.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

bella since lahir i dah beli pakaikan mothercare tu wangi recommended :)