Friday 14 November 2014

Paris Hilton

I bought the Paris Hilton for Women when I was working with AEON Co. (M) Bhd or Jusco back in year 2007. Working in a shopping mall where I have the privilege to roam around whenever I like since I was in Admin of the Shopping Centre department. That explains why I always shorts of money. I was only paid RM1600 per month, pastu hari-hari makan kat mall.. dan hari-hari tengok benda mengiurkan di shopping mall haha.

By the way, bought this perfume cause the smell is sweet and it costed below RM200 for 100ml!! Sooo cheap!! But in the end, rasa terpaksa kena habiskan perfume ni as I don't really into the sweet kinda perfume. I am more to musky type.

So when I changed job to CIMB in 2008 this perfume is still have not finished. When my husband and I started dating this is the perfume I have always wear. So even though I don't really like it, I supposed it has some sentimental value to my husband.

Last month he told me that a teacher in his school is wearing the same perfume which reminded him of me. How sweet! Thinking of repurchasing the mini bottle so that I dont feel forced to use it all the time. :D


Unknown said...

i pun pnh beli perfume ni kat langkawi RM115 for 50ml u wajib beli balik kang dia dok suka plak cium bau cikgu tu hahah joking :p

qi said...

hahaha baik!! i beli!