Friday 29 August 2014

Of botol susu

So during a Baby Fair I bought Maysa the AVENT Natural glass bottle.

I siap beli sleeve bagai, glass bottle kan, takut pecah.

During her first month, she had no trouble drinking from the bottle.

Until 2 weeks before I started working, where I had plan to train her to drink from bottle, she started to play the tips of the teats with her tongue. Main tolak-tolak. Kena pujuk, lamaaaa before she would finally drinks from the bottle. Sometimes it took almost 2 hours! *cry*. Every single time, and every single day!

After a few days I bought a new bottle. Still aiming for bottle brands which has glass bottle with sleeve. Cuma kali ni I bijak sikit, I beli yang BPA-free dulu, as glass bottle kan expensive. I bought Dr Brown. Unfortunately, SAMA! Main-main jugak before she finally took the bottle. Penat.

3 days before I started working, I went to Jusco with Maysa to buy baju basahan dia. Pusing satu baby department when I saw Pigeon and NUK bottle. Teringat my husband’s colleague told me that his child rejected NUK but accepted Pigeon. Ada wide neck ada slim neck. Slim neck murah sikit dari wide neck. Contemplating for few minutes, almaklumlah hujung bulan masa tu, nak beli ke tak nak beli ke tak tapi bila memikirkan kemaslahatan baby yang disayangi akhirnya aku ambil wide neck. Well, I did consider whether Pigeon ada glass bottle ke x, memang ada.. Cuma tak ada sleeve. That’s a minus point.

And well baby well Maysa took the bottle very well! Cuma I noticed she will only take the bottle bila aku tak pangku dia. Atas tilam ke, dalam car seat ke baru dia minum.

And yesterday is the first day she is at the babysitter. BS kata nak je dia minum at her lap. Belasah lah darling, as long as you drink the EBM. 

Once baby darling dah betul-betul okay dengan Pigeon, barulah I nak invest beli glass bottle.

Bermulalah my pumping frenzy Season II!

1 comment:

vulgarian said...

Aku berjaya tukar url blog hahah. Harap tak menyusahkan ko kna tukar. Maaf ye.